Rian's activity videos

My daughter Rian has recently started her own you tube channel-Kiddie Fun Time. She wanted all of her videos to be uploaded in her you tube channel. Some of the videos were taken when we were doing some of the activities posted in this blog. I thought it would be helpful for the readers to see the video :D


Rian is now 8years old!

It's been over 4 years since I last wrote on my blog. I will probably not writing now if I have not received a message in facebook from Mommy Sheena. She has a son who has a speech delay. She searched for me online because she wanted to know how my daughter is doing now.

Yes, we overcame her speech delay and her hyperactive behaviour. She is now 8 years old. She now speaks and behaves like any other regular kids.
 As you know, I took 5 months off from work when she was 4 years old to help my daughter to improve her speech. The five months daily activities were not easy but I kept doing what I think can help her. Every little improvement that my daughter demonstrated was celebrated with hugs and kisses. Slowly, one step at a time her speech continued to improve. Her speech is not perfect, there are times that she’s not understood but she gained the confidence to say again or explain what she was trying to convey. I can say that we are now ripping off all the hard work that we have done in the past.

Currently, she goes to a regular school in New Zealand called Waimataitai school and she does all the activities like everyone else in her class.  I am glad that there are mommies like Sheena who is learning from our stories on this blog.

She recently created her own you tube channel- Kiddie Fun Time.

Improve the Sitting Time of Hyperactive Child: 3 minutes to 60 minutes

Journal Date: November 20, 2011

From July until now, I continuously bring with me my toddler in going to church. For the first time in four month we have completed a mass without difficulty. No more attempts to go to another chair. No more attempts to go out and most of all, no more running after her. She just sat beside me playing with her bag. She stands, sings with me. She also prays with me. I have made a prayer for her. She prays it every night and every Sunday in the church.

Patience really is a virtue. Parents need a lot of patient to continuously improve the behavior of a hyperactive child.  The key is the gradual changes of their routine. If you have read my Sunday journals, we have started with three minutes sitting time. My child gradually adjusted. I have been using reinforcements to encourage my child to improve more. My primary reinforcement was the food that we bring every Sunday but after two month I stop bringing food to church as advised by her occupational therapist. My secondary reinforcement was a lot of kisses and hugs every Sunday. I showed to her that Mommy is very happy when she behaves inside the church.

It was not as easy as it sounds. You can see in my previous journals that there are Sundays when I felt disappointed because my child seems to go back to where we started. Nevertheless, I just continued bringing her to church. Even three minutes improvement was something that I celebrated.

Until finally our hard work and patience has paid off. I gave her a lot of hugs. I even buy her favorite ice cream. I explained to her that Mommy bought her ice cream because she was a good girl in the church. If you are a mom who struggles to make your child sit for just five more minutes then I suggest that you read my previous articles: Hyperactive Behavior Improvement-Going to Church

General Guidelines to Detect Speech delay in Children

These are the general guidelines that parents may use to know if a child is developing at a normal pace. Of course, every child is different. Every child has its own unique developmental milestones. Some children may “grow out” speech delay to finally fill-up the gap in their speech development but others don’t. The most painful realization for me as a mother is that my child was so frustrated that other cannot understand her; she finally lost her speaking confidence. I think this was the worst.

Child Exposure to Multiple Language Causes Speech Delay?

When I got pregnant with Rian, I have dream of her speaking with me the three languages (Tagalog, English, Ilocano-my native tongue) that I was exposed to. We lived in Tanauan city where two languages are use. In her previous school, her classmate speaks in English more than Tagalog.  Moreover, in my hometown Kalinga province people are speaks English, Tagalog, and our dialect-Ilocano.
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