FreeToddler Activity 4: Fishing

This is the sixth free toddler activities. Try doing it with your child.
I hope you will enjoy it as you have fun in the previous free toddler activities.

Target lesson: Identify letter A, B, C, D / Identify the color
Concept: Fish the correct letter / correct color



  Color papers
  Moving eyes

Step 1: Mommy cut the colored paper into fish shapes
Step 2: My Toddler paste the ask eyes of fish
            And paste the mouth of fish using the staple wire
Step 3: Mommy writes Big and small letter on each fish
Step 4: Mommy make the fishing rod
             Tie the magnet in the string
             Tie string in the rod

Step 5: Spread the fish on the floor
             Mommy asks Rian: Fish letter A
             Rian pick up the fish with letter A using the fishing rod

             Mommy ask toddler: Fish color Pink
 Rian pick up the fish with letter A using the fishing rod

 My toddler loves this activity I let her play on her own when she likes.
While playing I hope she can recognize the letters written on each fish

After the activity, we do the:
shake your shoulder! Shake Shake!
            hi five
Give her imaginary star on the hands 

We will be sharing more free toddler activities in my next post.

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