Speech delayed Rian: from Toddler to Nursery

From September to March, Rian studied in toddler school.
When we enrolled her, we have explained to her situation so that the school will know.
She accepted her even when they know that she is hyperactive and speech delay. They said they will observe and make recommendation if it is necessary for her to go back to SPED.
Her schedule was 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM. She loves to go to school.
She wakes up when we tell hershe will go to school. For me, this was a big improvement because when she was in SPED, she cries when we tell her to go to school.

She has learned some new words, unfortunately, after a year she still cannot speak the way other kids of her age does. Nevertheless, she has received an award during their recognition day: Most improved in motor skill.
My husband and I was thinking then that she will talk soon. Like some other kids it was just delayed.

During the enrollment for SY2011, I ask her teacher if she can join the nursery or stay in Toddler level. Her teacher said that it is better for her to join the nursery. She can follow school activities, the only problem is her speech delay. Her teacher also added that there will be more students who can speak well in nursery so it would be better for Rian. With her teachers comment, we enrolled her in nursery level. 

It was July when her teacher and the head ask me to to visit them. They even mentioned that it was important and urgent so I had to take a leave from work. It was painful to know that my kid is not catching up quite well. Below is her teachers observation and recommendation:

Nursery has 1 hour lecture, she cannot keep focus for 1 hour listening to her teacher. Her maximum sitting time is 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, she roams around the room and worst she stays below the table. Thus, she cannot cope with the lessons.

She may stay in regular school but they recommend to enroll her in SPED. The goal is to improve her hyperactive behavior so she can stay focus.She can go to regular class from 8:00 to 10:00 AM then after she can go to SPED for an hour.

After our talk with the teachers, I felt guilty. I have been too much worried with her speech delay, I had not noticed that her Hyperactive behavior is now a bigger hindrance to her studies. With this information, we had decided to follow the teachers recommendation. I need to do what is best for my child. My only worry is that she might get tired since she needs to stay in school much longer than usual.

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